понедельник, 14 декабря 2015 г.

Primitives and Scripting: what you can do already

Primitives, boolean operations, 3D-Coat, AngelScript
Basic set of primitives have been added. Now you can create them via scripts in 3D-Coat. Moreover, you can perform some actions with them: change location, scale. That may not be much, but the foundation is laid, and new scripting approach is easier, hopefully, for mastering (old possibilities remained – previously written scripts will work too). New scripts will be available as of version 4.5.26.

const Vec3  TOWER_SHIFT( 0, 0, 200 );
const Vec3  FLOOR_SHIFT( 0, 200, 0 );
Vec3  tower = TOWER_SHIFT * (-4.5);
Vec3  floor( 0 );
Mesh  a, b, mesh;
Builder  builder;
SculptRoom  room;

void main() {


    // capsule
        a = builder.capsule()
          .startPosition( Vec3( 0 ) )
          .endPosition( Vec3( 40, 50, 60 ) )
          .startRadius( 30 )
          .endRadius( 50 )
          .details( 0.1 )
        b = builder.capsule()
          .startPosition( Vec3( 0 ) )
          .endPosition( Vec3( 20, 30, 40 ) )
          .startRadius( 20 )
          .endRadius( 30 )
          .position( Vec3( 20, 30, 40 ) )
          .details( 0.5 )

    // cone
        a = builder.cone()
          .radius( 50 )
          .height( 120 )
          .details( 0.1 )
        b = builder.cone()
          .radius( 40 )
          .height( 80 )
          .position( Vec3( 10, 20, 30 ) )
          .details( 0.5 )

    // cuboid
        a = builder.cuboid()
          .side( Vec3( 100, 80, 60 ) )
          .details( 0.1 )
        b = builder.cuboid()
          .side( Vec3( 30, 50, 70 ) )
          .position( Vec3( 20, 30, 40 ) )
          .details( 0.5 )

    // cylinder
        a = builder.cylinder()
          .positionTop( Vec3( 80, 0, 0 ) )
          .positionBottom( Vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) )
          .radiusTop( 40 )
          .radiusBottom( 50 )
          .details( 0.1 )
        b = builder.cylinder()
          .positionTop( Vec3( 70, 0, 10 ) )
          .positionBottom( Vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) )
          .radiusTop( 20 )
          .radiusBottom( 30 )
          .position( Vec3( 20, 30, 40 ) )
          .details( 0.5 )

    // ellipsoid
        a = builder.ellipsoid()
          .radius( Vec3( 80, 60, 40 ) )
          .details( 0.1 )
        b = builder.ellipsoid()
          .radius( Vec3( 20, 40, 60 ) )
          .position( Vec3( 20, 30, 40 ) )
          .details( 0.5 )

    // gear
        a = builder.gear()
          .startPoint( Vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) )
          .endPoint( Vec3( 90, 90, 90 ) )
          .topRadius( 30 )
          .bottomRadius( 50 )
          .relativeHoleRadius( 0.3 )
          .depth( 0.5 )
          .sharpness( 0.2 )
          .teeth( 3 )
          .details( 0.1 )
        b = builder.gear()
          .startPoint( Vec3( 20, 20, 20 ) )
          .endPoint( Vec3( 50, 50, 50 ) )
          .topRadius( 50 )
          .bottomRadius( 50 )
          .relativeHoleRadius( 0.3 )
          .depth( 0.2 )
          .sharpness( 1.0 )
          .teeth( 6 )
          .details( 0.5 )

    // ngon
        a = builder.ngon()
          .startPoint( Vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) )
          .endPoint( Vec3( 90, 90, 90 ) )
          .topRadius( 30 )
          .bottomRadius( 40 )
          .relativeHoleRadius( 0.3 )
          .teeth( 3 )
          .details( 0.1 )
        b = builder.ngon()
          .startPoint( Vec3( 20, 20, 20 ) )
          .endPoint( Vec3( 50, 50, 50 ) )
          .topRadius( 50 )
          .bottomRadius( 50 )
          .relativeHoleRadius( 0.2 )
          .teeth( 6 )
          .details( 0.5 )

    // tube
        a = builder.tube()
          .startPoint( Vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) )
          .endPoint( Vec3( 30, 50, 70 ) )
          .topRadius( 30 )
          .bottomRadius( 40 )
          .relativeHoleRadius( 0.8 )
          .topScale( 2.0 )
          .bottomScale( 1.0 )
          .details( 0.1 )
        b = builder.tube()
          .startPoint( Vec3( 10, 20, 30 ) )
          .endPoint( Vec3( 20, 40, 60 ) )
          .topRadius( 20 )
          .bottomRadius( 20 )
          .relativeHoleRadius( 0.2 )
          .topScale( 1.5 )
          .bottomScale( 3.0 )
          .details( 0.5 )

    // sphere
        a = builder.sphere()
          .radius( 70 )
          .details( 0.1 )
        b = builder.sphere()
          .radius( 40 )
          .position( Vec3( 30, 40, 50 ) )
          .details( 0.5 )

void draw() {

    floor = Vec3( 0 );
    // add
    mesh = a | b;
    mesh.tools().transform().position( tower + floor ).run();
    room += mesh;

    floor += FLOOR_SHIFT;
    // subtract
    mesh = a - b;
    mesh.tools().transform().position( tower + floor ).run();
    room += mesh;

    floor += FLOOR_SHIFT;
    // intersect
    mesh = a & b;
    mesh.tools().transform().position( tower + floor ).run();
    room += mesh;

    tower += TOWER_SHIFT;

When 3D-Coat is launched, you get the following:

Pay attention to the wireframe density: it is different for each mesh and is maintained after boolean operations.

The code can be reduced, knowing that `MeshX::build()` и `ToolsX::run()` can be functors. That means we can write:
        a = builder.sphere()
          .radius( 70 )
          .details( 0.1 )
        mesh.tools().transform().position( tower + floor )();
with the same result.

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