понедельник, 23 ноября 2015 г.

New scripting in 3D-Coat

3D-Coat AngelScript
The most difficult thing in programming is to understand an application's architecture. At least it should be such that the program would be handy to use correctly, and unhandy to use incorrectly. While working with scripting for 3D-Coat I try to follow that rule. (Reasonable following OOP principles – even without discussions). So here's what we get...

void main() {

    // preparing a scene
    SculptRoom  sculpt;

    Mesh  a, b;
    const Vec3  dir = Vec3( 0, 1, 0 );

    // I) add
    float  delta = 0;
    Vec3  shift = dir * delta;
        build( a, b, shift );
        const Mesh  ab = a | b;
        sculpt += ab;

    // II) subtruct
    delta += 200;
    shift = dir * delta;
        build( a, b, shift );
        const Mesh  ab = a - b;
        sculpt += ab;

    // III) intersect
    delta += 200;
    shift = dir * delta;
        build( a, b, shift );
        const Mesh  ab = a & b;
        sculpt += ab;

void build( Mesh &out a, Mesh &out b, const Vec3 &in shift ) {

    Builder  builder;

    const Vec3  pa( 0 );
    a = builder.sphere()
      .radius( 90 )
      .position( pa + shift )
      .details( 0.1 )

    const Vec3  pb( 30, 40, 50 );
    b = builder.sphere()
      .radius( 50 )
      .position( pb + shift )
      .details( 0.5 )

Launching this script in 3D-Coat, we will see:

Why is such a picture understandable after reading a string of code, with its comments. Notice: the sphere's detail state remains the same after adding, subtraction and intersection.
Script can be written more compact when excluding command `Mesh ab`:
    build( a, b, shift );
    sculpt += a | b;

This is my first post with new scripting architecture. Syntax is a red thread, which I would maintain. Also there is a short presentation which demonstrates how I plan to expand 3D-Coat's possibilities. Please let me know if there is something that you need first. Old code works too, but when a proper substitute appears old code is marked as DEPRECATED.

In the near term I will add new primitives and will expand this review.

Updated 14/12/2015
See "Primitives and Scripting: what you can do already".

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